Season Ticket Renewals FAQs
General Information
Online renewals can be found in your online Account Manager.
- Go to www.12thmanfoundation.com.
- Select “Login” in the upper left corner and enter your email address and password.
- After logging in, select “Season Renewals” under the maroon “My Tickets” section.
If you would like to change your login credentials, input your email address on the login page and sign in with a code via email in lieu of password. If you do not know the email address on your account, please contact the 12th Man Foundation at 888-992-4443.
Yes, you may request a printable renewal form by contacting the 12th Man Foundation office by phone at 888-992-4443 or by email.
Please note, payments made by check will be processed by the 12th Man Foundation upon receipt.
Yes, our offices are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ticket Pricing
Suite/Club/Loge | $675 |
Armchair/Field Box | $590 |
Bench Back | $575 |
Bench | $550 |
Young Alumni | $410 |
Note: Ticket prices include processing fees.
You may opt into the seat relocation process on your renewal application by clicking “Yes” on “Enroll in 2025 Football Seat Selection”.
The 2025 Football Seat Selection process will begin in late spring. Appointments will be assigned in order of priority point rank as of March 4, 2025. If, at your selection appointment time, you do not choose other seats, you will retain your original seats.
If a donor relocates to a seating area with a shorter seating option term, the term for the relocated seats will be the shorter term.
Example: A donor has seats in a 15-year term area (set to expire in 2030). If they choose to relocate these seats in 2025 to a section where the original 10-year term expires after the 2025 season, their new seats will convert to an annual renewal basis starting with the 2026 season. Click here for a map of final term years by seating area.
- If applicable, the 12th Man Foundation will provide written notice of any new seating terms or requirements before the annual automatic renewal date of Feb. 1.
Dropping Seats or Parking
Please call the 12th Man Foundation at 888-992-4443 to drop seats and/or parking during the renewal process.
Please note if you release seats:
- You forfeit all rights to these seats for this season and all future football seasons. Release of seats may also affect the quantity of parking passes for which you are eligible. For more information on parking pass eligibility please refer to the Parking section of this FAQ.
- You will not receive a refund for any previously paid contributions for the released seats.
- Contribution amounts previously paid for the seats may not be transferred to outstanding pledges due on other contributions, including outstanding pledges for Kyle Field.
- The 12th Man Foundation reserves the right to adjust your seat block to preserve the integrity of available seat inventory on a particular row or section. The middle seats of a seat block cannot be dropped. Example: If you have seats 4, 5, 6 and 7 and want to drop one seat, only seats 4 or 7 would be eligible to be dropped.
Football Seat Selection Process
Season ticket holders who select the option to participate in the seat selection process will receive information on the process later this spring.
Season ticket holders will be given an appointment time during which they can log in online to view and select available seat locations. If you do not elect to move or add seats, your current seating location will remain unchanged. Appointment times will be assigned based on priority points ranking as of March 4, 2025.
For more information, click here.
Adding Seats
You will have the opportunity to purchase additional seats via the seat selection process based on availability. You may also contact a sales representative to discuss your ticketing options by calling 888-992-4443.
Information to consider when requesting additional seats:
- Donors are limited to no more than 8 Prime West Legacy Club and/or West Legacy Club seats and no more than 12 seats in any other seating area.
- The online selection process will begin in late spring and appointments will be assigned in order of priority rank as of March 4, 2025.
- Additional limits may be imposed based on available inventory.
You can express your interest in the opportunity to purchase 2025 Aggie Football season tickets by submitting the form here by March 4, 2025.
Ticket Delivery
Season tickets will be delivered digitally for the 2025 Aggie Football season. This transition to digital-only tickets minimizes the risks of lost, stolen or fraudulent tickets, while reducing costs to further support the success of Texas A&M Athletics.
- Digital tickets also provide enhanced accessibility and greater convenience for managing, transferring and reselling tickets.
- If you need assistance accessing or managing your digital tickets, you may click here or contact our staff at 888-992-4443 or customersupport@12thmanfoundation.com.
ADA Seating
For ADA accessible seating, please contact tickets@12thmanfoundation.com or call 888-992-4443 for assistance. For more information on Kyle Field Accessibility and ADA seating, click here.
NOTE: Anyone requesting accessible seating must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act eligibility and attestation standards. You will be required to certify that you meet these standards
People with mobility disabilities who require accessible seating because of their disability are permitted to purchase tickets for accessible seats. This group includes people who use wheelchairs, those who use other mobility devices and people who cannot climb steps or walk long distances because of significant arthritis or severe respiratory, circulatory or cardiac conditions. Individuals who, because of their disability, cannot sit in a straight-back chair or those whose service dogs cannot fit under a non-accessible seat or lie safely in the aisle are also permitted to purchase accessible seats. Tickets for accessible seats may be sold to individuals who require accessible seating themselves or to someone purchasing on their behalf. Under Federal Law, people with disabilities who do not require the specific features of accessible seating but merely have a preference for them are not entitled to purchase accessible seats.
For series of events tickets, purchasers may be asked to attest in writing that they require, or are purchasing tickets for someone who requires, the features of an accessible seat. Venues may also mark tickets to clearly identify that they are for accessible seats. Some venues include on tickets for accessible seats a message stating that, if the user of the ticket does not need the specific features of the accessible seat, the venue may require the ticket holder to move to a different, non-accessible seating location.
Additional Home & Road Game Tickets
Subject to availability, you will be able to request road game tickets on your renewal application. Road game ticket requests are not guaranteed.
- You may request up to 8 tickets for Notre Dame and Texas and 12 tickets for Arkansas, LSU and Missouri. Please note additional ticket limits may be imposed depending on availability and demand.
Additional home game tickets will not be available on the application but will be made available at a later date.
Priority Points
The ticket holder of record receives the priority points for all donations related to the seats, regardless of who pays the donation, as well as the 10 bonus priority points per priority season ticket.
Priority points are awarded as payments are received by the 12th Man Foundation. For example, a donor would like to pay their $1,000 seat contribution for the 2025 and 2026 football seasons prior to March 4, 2025, in order to receive the priority points for those contributions. As long as payment is received by March 4, 2025, the donor would receive those 80 priority points ($1,000 x 2 years = $2,000 / 25 = 80 priority points).
Limits on Seat Quantities
Donors are limited to no more than 8 Prime West Legacy Club and/or West Legacy Club seats and no more than 12 seats in any other seating area. Additional limits may be imposed.
As communicated prior to the 2024 football season, Lot H will not be available for renewal for the 2025 season due to an expected university construction project.
Season parking passes will be delivered digitally in 2025. This change provides a convenient experience, reduces the risk of lost or stolen passes and allows pass holders to transfer or resell their parking. Information and instructions on managing, transferring and reselling parking passes will be provided to pass holders in advance of the season.
Single game parking permits are not available to purchase through the 12th Man Foundation. Click here to purchase individual game parking passes through ParkMobile or contact Transportation Services (979) 862-7275.
The number of parking passes you may request is determined by the number of season tickets you renew.
Number of Tickets | 1-5 | 6-9 | 10-13 | 14-17 | 18-21 | 22-25 | 26+ |
Number of Passes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Regular parking permits will be $210 for the full season. RV parking permits will be $1,500 for the full season.
Season parking permits will be available for purchase during seat selection for as long as inventory is available.
For season ticket holders who have ADA accessible parking requests, please contact tickets@12thmanfoundation.com or call 888-992-4443 for assistance. For more information on Kyle Field Accessibility and ADA parking, click here.
The 2025 season is the third and final year of a parking term that began with the 2023 season. The current three-year parking term will span the 2023, 2024 and 2025 seasons. Please note that while we began a new three-year parking term in 2023, the 12th Man Foundation reserves the right to halt or adjust the three-year term if necessary due to any unforeseen construction that would significantly impede the game day operations of any 12th Man Foundation parking lot. If necessary, all parking permit holders would be notified with as much advance notice as possible.
RV parking passes have been assigned through the current three-year parking term (2023-25 seasons). Any RV parking pass that becomes available prior to the end of the parking term will be added to the seat selection process. Seat selection appointments are assigned based on priority point rank as of March 4, 2025.
When completing your renewal application, you will be able to enroll in the seat selection process where you will have the opportunity to change your current parking lot based on availability.
Payment Options
All season ticket holders must be paid in full or enrolled in a payment plan by March 4, 2025.
You have a 4-month payment plan option available on the renewal application. Please note that ticketing payments and required seat donation payments are processed as separate transactions on different schedules. Payment schedules are noted below and cannot be modified.
4-Month Ticketing Payment Schedule:
- One-fourth is due at the time of your renewal
- One-fourth due on April 2, 2025
- One-fourth due on May 2, 2025
- One-fourth due on June 2, 2025
4-Month Required Seat Donation Payment Schedule:
- One-fourth due when you complete your renewal
- One-fourth due one month from the date you complete your renewal
- One-fourth due two months from the date you complete your renewal
- One-fourth due three months from the date you complete your renewal
Please note: Only donation payments received by March 4, 2025, will be included in the priority point ranking for the 2025 Football Seat and/or Parking Selection process.
Through the thoughtfulness and generosity of our donors when choosing their method of payment, the 12th Man Foundation has been able to greatly reduce credit card transaction fees paid on donations made in support of our mission. Please review the payment options below to ensure your donation makes the biggest possible impact on Texas A&M's student-athletes:
- Pay by e-check instead of credit card, which significantly reduces fees.
- Pay by e-check and earn 3% bonus priority points on the donation portion of your renewal (excludes ticket payment)
- Pay by credit card and contribute an extra 2% donation to cover the credit card fees. You may pay online by credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa)
- Pay by credit card and choose not to contribute an extra 2% to cover the credit card fees.
- Other acceptable payment methods are physical check, wire transfer, or stock contributions. Please make checks payable to the 12th Man Foundation and indicate on the memo line “2025 Football Renewal.” All payments will be applied upon receipt.
Our mailing address is listed below: - 12th Man Foundation
- P.O. Box 2800
- College Station, TX 77841-2800.
Contact our office at 888-992-4443 for wire transfer and/or stock contribution instructions.
Yes. If you would like to use multiple forms of payment for your renewal please contact the 12th Man Foundation at 888-992-4443.
Yes, your renewal will give you the opportunity to increase your annual charitable support of the 12th Man Foundation to receive priority points and other benefits as well as provide support for Texas A&M student-athletes.
Please note: Only donation payments received by March 4, 2025, will be included in the priority point ranking for the 2025 Football Seat and/or Parking Selection process. If you made an additional donation outside of your seat contribution which exceeds your monthly payment plan amount, points will only be awarded for the dollars received.
Yes, you can make donations on your renewal application.
You may call the 12th Man Foundation at 888-992-4443 or email customersupport@12thmanfoundation.com.
You can express interest in a Kyle Field suite by submitting the form here.
Seating Terms
Yes, the 2020 season will not count toward the seating terms. Areas previously set to expire in 2024 will now run through 2025 and areas set to expire in 2029 will now run through 2030.
The seating option term will expire consistent with all other previously sold seats in that seating area. For areas with terms expiring after the 2025 season, the seating term will automatically renew annually on a one-year basis. Areas with 15-year terms will expire after the 2030 season.
- If applicable, the 12th Man Foundation will provide written notice of any new seating terms or requirements before the annual automatic renewal date of Feb. 1.
After the 2025 season, the 10-year seating term seats will transition to an annual renewal process. This means you'll have the opportunity to renew your seats each year, rather than committing to a multi-year term. You'll maintain the right to renew your same seats each season through this new annual process unless the 12th Man Foundation provides written notice of any new seating terms or requirements before the annual automatic renewal date of Feb. 1.
Seating areas impacted by the 10 year seating term expiration are:
- North Lower Armchair (115-118)
- North Upper Armchair (314-327)
- Northeast Upper Bench (329)
- North Upper Bench (409-419)
- Prime East Benchback (125-126)
- Southeast Upper Bench (339-340)
- South Lower Bench (133)
- South Mid Bench (239-245)
- South Upper Bench (342-350)
- West Endzone Armchair (301-302, 311-313)
- West Bench (401-402, 407-408)
- Prime West Bench (403-406)
- Faculty & Staff Seating (114, 127, 134, 246, 350-351)
- Lettermen Seating (118-119, 328-329, 420-421)

Example: Example: All seats purchased in 2015 in the Prime West Legacy Club have a term expiring after the 2030 season. All new seats purchased in 2021 in the Prime West Legacy Club will also have a term expiring after the 2030 season.
Future Expiration Schedule: The expiration dates will remain the same (2025 for 10 years, 2030 for 15 year). The seating term will decrease by one year with each passing year.
Year Purchased | 10 Year Original Term Areas | 15 Year Original Term Areas |
2020 | 5 | 10 |
2021 | 4 | 9 |
2022 | 3 | 8 |
2023 | 2 | 7 |
2024 | 1 | 6 |
2025 | n/a | 5 |
2026 | n/a | 4 |
2027 | n/a | 3 |
2028 | n/a | 2 |
2029 | n/a | 1 |